Posted on December 28, 2024 Posted By: admin Categories: Youth Please complete form for each student. After registration is submitted, please WAIT a few seconds, and you will be redirected to payment page. Student Last Name Student First Name Age 13 14 15 16 17 18 Grade 7 8 9 10 11 12 School Name Student Phone Student Email Parent / Guardian Name Parent / Guardian Email Parent / Guardian Phone Does Student have any medical concerns or take any medication? Yes No If so, please explain.: Does Student have any Dietary restrictions? Yes No If so, please explain.: Will Student be participating in the talent show? Yes No If so, what will Students talent be? We want everyone to have a wonderful time. Here are a few rules, that will ensure that each of you has a fun and safe night. If at any time a problem or concern arises, please consult a chaperone. You must read, review and and check to accept each rule. Once the doors are locked, no one is allowed to enter or leave without permission. Follow the schedule and make sure you are in the appropriate activity rooms at all times. No congregating in the hallways. No congregating in the restroom lounges. Keep your cell phones on silent. No calling, talking, or texting on the phones except during break times. Do not take any food or drinks outside the dome. Food and drink are only to be consumed in the dome. Your language and behavior must be appropriate for church. By 7:00 a.m. all participants must be out of the building. Please type name of Parent/ Guardian, accepting that the above rules were read and understood; AND giving full consent for their student to participate in the 2025 Youth Lock-in!: Submit Registration